our purpose is... to inspire, equip and empower people to respond to God’s Love and calling.

NORMAN HURLOW - Senior Pastor

“Here at the Avondale University Church, we believe that we are part of a bigger story in which God is partnering with us, humanity, to bring about justice, peace, hope & love for all. Our unique contribution to this, or our purpose, is to Inspire, Equip & Empower people to respond to God’s Love & Calling.

We want people to see that God is Love. Then, rest in the reality that God loves you.

We also want everyone to know that God has a calling or a purpose for you in life. You are wanted and needed in God’s great story. “

“For I have come that you may have life, and life to the full.”  John 10:10

Our Way

  • Seeking God

  • Being Real

  • Living Grace

  • Serving Together

  • Connecting Humanity

“When Moses met with God asking how to lead the people God assured him in Exodus 33:14-15 "...My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." Then Moses said to him, 'If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here." That is our same request. That we only go where the Presence of the Lord is sending us. And that is an adventure that we are excited and expectant for! Come on the journey with us whether in person or in prayer. Let's join together as a faith community seeking after His presence and where that will take us!”

— Priscilla Mariassouce, UNIVERSITY CHAPLAIN

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